Sunday, January 10, 2010

Librivox files with synced story text

Over the years, the suggestion has come up again and again to somehow have the ability to have the audio and text in sync, so that someone could follow along with the reading. This could be useful, for instance, to language learners, or new readers.

There is no standard yet defined by librivox, but I decided to offer lrc files to go with my own recordings. LRC files are "lyric" files, and generally you need a plugin to your media player in order to make use of them. I use Winamp, and there is a Visualization plugin available for free, that is very easy to install.

To view lyrics, you'll have to go into the Winamp preferences and set your Visualization to use this plugin.

The way it works is this:
* Download the lrc file that goes with a particular recording. Save it to the same folder as the mp3 file.

* Rename the file so that the main name (the filename minus the lrc extension) matches the filename of the mp3 file. For example, if the mp3 filename is warmlywemet_moore_ces_64kb.mp3 then you would rename the lrc file to be warmlywemet_moore_ces_64kb.lrc.

* Play the file in Winamp, and the text should appear in the Visualization panel. The plugin provides options to change the display -  you can set the font size, and whether to center the text or not. I have coded the lrc file for each line, so the plugin will highlight the current line as its being read.

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